A conspiracy theory I thought of
Before you read this just know I don't believe this but I think it would be very interesting if it was true.
So in this theory I will be building off of other theorys including that the biden you see isn't biden and biden is in a hollywood and not the whitehouse. Now these claims are compleatly possible. My theory is that biden was the person you see untill he ran for president. Here's my thought process, so Biden was running and had only a few people in his rallies. This could be friends of the real person and using CGI you have a computer generated Biden. There is evidence of Biden not being at the whitehouse like the parkinglot in the window. Now if this is true then why is he in hollywood. If my theory is correct, then the reason they are in hollywood is because they have the technology for the CGI.
You may be believing my theory by now but it has it's flaws. First, Biden made mistakes in his speaches. One example is him saying he is Joe Bidens wife. I just realized what if Joe Biden was actually Joe Bidens wife and CGI? He did make the mistake of saying he is Joe Bidens wife two times. The main place where the theory crubles is the debates, Trump was there with Biden, I'm sure Trump would have said something if it wasn't Biden. The problem with that is it probably was Biden at the debates. If you watched the debates you will notice that it seemed like he was someone else. By that I mean he was more professional and didn't make as many mistakes in his speach as he did in the past. So I'm unsure if this theory is true. I'll leave you to see what you believe.